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A Message From The 2022-2023 ASG President

Welcome to the 2022-23 academic year from the Associated Student Government!

 The Associated Student Government warmly welcomes and is excited to represent you this academic year. We are looking forward to making this an adventurous experience with your kind support. We believe that this year will be filled with a lot of good surprises and opportunities for our campus community.

   My name is Chernor A. Diallo, your Associated Student Government President for the year 2022-2023 academic year. A little bit about me, I am a second-year Business major, an international student from Liberia, West Africa. I served as the Student Trustee for the 2021-22 academic year. I am a student worker for the Learning Resource Center as a computer tutor, the International Student Support Program office as a peer advisor, and an accounting intern for the Fiscal Services Department. I am also a member of Umoja, SBCC Ambassadors, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, and a few other campus clubs.

 As I step into my new role of being your student voice and representative, I want to share some of the primary plans of action that the ASG is working on for this new journey. Our goal this academic year is to improve campus engagement with modified and fresh ideas of events and activities, and further the mission and vision of the college by undertaking projects that will positively impact the campus community in terms of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. We also hope to rebrand our internal structure as the ASG by updating existing team and work cultures and introducing fresh forms of team building and leadership to ensure that our advocacy and representations will be as efficient and effective as possible. We want to let you know that we are here for you.

  Still, wondering who we really are, what we really do, and how can you be involved? The Associated Student Government, also known as the ASG, is a group of young leaders who are present to be the VOICE of the Santa Barbara City College student body. Within the Associated Student Government, we have 16 different positions each one of them filled with a student representative. We are here to make sure that students' voices are heard and respected equally. Every year we open applications for new officers to join, and every student can be part of this amazing journey. The applications are open to you regardless of your gender, ethnicity, religion, citizenship status, or background. The ASG board promotes equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility for all. 

   Now that you know a little bit more about us, and what we do, feel free to reach out to us with any questions, concerns, or suggestions at any time. We have an Instagram account with all our zoom links for office hours and regular meetings @sbcc_asg. Follow us and we will keep you updated on everything going on. Another easy way to reach out is through my email ( ) or our fantastic Advisor from the Office of Student Life, Amy Collins (

 I wish you a year filled with positivity, opportunities, success, and good vibes. 

And remember as Abraham Lincoln said, “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” So I highly encourage you to make the most out of your time here by networking and doing whatever brings out the best in you, both for your personal and professional development.

Chernor A. Diallo

"Whatever you are, be a good one."

-William Makepeace Thackeray


Associated Students' Government

Santa Barbara City College
